Configuration file

As alluded to in the previous sections, the configuration for a SCORPiOs run has to be set in a YAML configuration file. YAML (standing for YAML Ain’t Markup Language) is a data-serialization language with a simple syntax, commonly used for configuration files.

Using a configuration file is the preferred way to run a Snakemake workflow such as SCORPiOs, as it allows to precisely store input paths and parameters in a static file, thus ensuring reproducibility.

As an example, we provide config_example.yaml, which allows to run SCORPiOs on toy example data. You will only need to slightly modify this example file in order to run SCORPiOs on your data.


In this toy dataset, species names are appended to the gene names, for clarity only. This is not required and not used by SCORPiOs to infer the genes-species mapping.

#=========================== SCORPiOs EXAMPLE CONFIGURATION FILE ============================#
##For a full description of supported settings, please take a look at SCORPiOs documentation.#

#----------------------------------------- INPUTS -------------------------------------------#

# INPUT1 - The gene trees to correct, as a single file in New Hampshire Extended (.nhx) format.
trees: data/example/forest.nhx

# INPUT2 - The multiple sequence alignments used to build the trees, as a single fasta file.
alis: data/example/ali.fa.gz

# INPUT3 - The genes coordinates for all duplicated species and outgroup(s).
#one file per species, in BED (.bed) format. Can also be in 'dyogen' format.
genes: data/example/genes/genes.%s.bed

# Uncomment if genes coordinates are in dyogen format, otherwise .bed is assumed.
#genes_format: dyogen

# INPUT4 - The species tree in Newick format with labelled internal nodes (ancestor names).
species_tree: data/example/species_tree.nwk

# Gene-to-species mapping file : a single text file with two columns: gene_name species_name.
#genes_sp_mapping: data/example/genes_sp_mapping.txt

#----------------------------------------- OUTPUTS ------------------------------------------#

# Provide a job name, which will be appended to the output folder name.
jobname: 'example'

#---------------------------------------- PARAMETERS ----------------------------------------#

# Whole-genome duplication(s) and outgroup(s)
# Outgroups, if multiple, should be monophyletic if you intent to run LORelEi.
        Clupeocephala: 'Lepisosteus.oculatus,Amia.calva'
        Salmonidae: 'Esox.lucius,Gasterosteus.aculeatus,Oryzias.latipes'

# Whether the average number of syntenic orthologs to include genes in the Orthology Table
# should be optimized: yes ('y') or no ('n'). Default threshold value if not optimized: 2.0.
optimize_synteny_support_threshold: 'y'

# Whether orthologs without synteny support should be discarded from the synteny analysis:
# yes ('y') or no ('n')
filter_otable_nosynteny: 'n'

# Size of the sliding window used in the pairwise synteny analysis:
windowSize: 15

# Cut-off on pairwise synteny similarity scores (between 0 and 1):
cutoff: 0

# Whether branch-lengths should be recomputed after corrections: yes ('y') or no ('n').
brlength: 'y'

# Software to recompute the branch-lengths: 'treebest phyml' (default) or 'raxml'.
## Uncomment to use RAxML##
#brlength_tool: raxml

# Any species with a poorer assembly quality that should be discarded for synteny analysis.
## Comment out if you want to use all species in the synteny analysis.##
lowcov_sp: 'data/example/lowcov'

# Whether to ignore tree-synteny inconsistencies when an orthogroup graph community contains
# only a single gene: yes ('y') or no ('n'). These are poorly-supported WGD duplication nodes.
ignoreSingleGeneCom: 'y'

# Whether each individual corrected tree and its non-corrected counterpart should be saved,
# each in a .nhx file: yes ('y') or no ('n'). It facilitates direct inspection of corrections.
save_tmp_trees: 'y'

# Whether more detailed intermediary outputs should be saved: yes ('y') or no ('n').
# Setting `save_subtrees_lktest` to 'y' saves, in addition to default outputs:
# - constrained tree topologies
# - profileNJ and TreeBeST synteny-aware trees
# - AU-tests outputs
# Should be set to 'y' if you intent to run LORelEi.
save_subtrees_lktest: 'y'

# Optionally, use spectral clustering instead of Girvan-Newman for graph community detection.
spectral: 'n'

# Iterative-correction related option, automatically updated by the wrapper
## DO NOT MODIFY MANUALLY even if using iterative mode.##
current_iter: 0

#---------------------------------------- RESSOURCES ----------------------------------------#

# Maximum number of threads (will never use more than this number).
# It will be restricted to the number specified via --cores (1 if --cores is not invoked).
ncores: 14

# Use a parallelization scheme specific to large jobs: yes ('y') or no ('n').
parallel_scheme_large_job: 'n'

We detail each of the settings below.

Supported settings

Input data

The gene trees to correct (INPUT1)

Optional, can be replaced by alternative_INPUT1. Trees should be provided as a single file in New Hampshire Extended (.nhx) format. Please refer to the Data file formats section for file format details.


trees: data/example/forest.nhx


If you want to build the trees from gene sequence alignments using TreeBeST, you should remove or comment out the trees entry.

The multiple sequence alignments (INPUT2)

Required. Multiple sequence alignments used to build the trees, as a single file in fasta (.fa) format. The file can be gzipped (.gz) or not. Please refer to the Data file formats section for file format details. Example:

alis: data/example/ali.fa.gz

The genes coordinates (INPUT3)

Required. The genes coordinates for all duplicated species and outgroup(s), one file per species, in BED (.bed) or ‘dyogen’ format. Files can be bzipped2 (.bz2). Please refer to the Data file formats section for file format details.


genes: data/example/genes/genes.%s.bed

If files are in ‘dyogen’ format, the genes_format parameter has to be specified as follows:

genes_format: dyogen

The species tree (INPUT4)

Required. The species tree in Newick format (.nwk) with labelled internal nodes (ancestor names). Please refer to the Data file formats section for file format details.


species_tree: data/example/species_tree.nwk

The gene-to-species mapping (alternative_INPUT1)

Optional, can be replaced by INPUT1. Gene-to-species mapping file : a single text file with two columns: gene_name; species_name. Please refer to the Data file formats section for file format details.


genes_sp_mapping: data/example/genes_sp_mapping.txt


You should use the genes_sp_mapping entry only if you wish to build starting trees from gene sequence alignments with TreeBeST.


Unique jobname

Required. A (descriptive) job name, which will be appended to the output folder name. All results will be stored in the output folder SCORPiOs_jobname/. This allows to invoke different SCORPiOs runs (e.g with different input data or parameters).


jobname: 'example'


Using the example, the corrected gene trese file will be: SCORPiOs_example/SCORPiOs_output_0.nhx.


Whole-genome duplication(s) and outgroup(s)

Required. Each WGD event in the species tree, that you wish to correct gene trees for, should be indicated via the name of the ancestor of all duplicated species. Then, for each WGD, provide one or several outgroup species to use as reference in the synteny analysis. Any non-duplicated species can be used as outgroup, but phylogenetically close outgroup should be preferred as synteny with duplicated species will be more conserved. Multiple reference outgroups can be provided as a comma-separated list. For an illustrated explanation on how to specify the duplicated ancestor, please see the Data preparation section.


        Clupeocephala: 'Lepisosteus.oculatus,Amia.calva'
        Salmonidae: 'Esox.lucius,Gasterosteus.aculeatus,Oryzias.latipes'

Synteny threshold optimization

Optional (default=’n’). Whether the minimum required number of syntenic orthologs to include genes as potential orthologs should be optimized: yes (‘y’) or no (‘n’). Default value if the threshold is not optimized is 2.0.


optimize_synteny_support_threshold: 'y'

Filter orthologs based on synteny

Optional (default=’n’). Whether phylogenetic orthologs without synteny support should be discarded from the synteny analysis: yes (‘y’) or no (‘n’).


filter_otable_nosynteny: 'n'

Sliding window size

Optional (default=15). Size of the sliding window used in the pairwise synteny analysis.


windowSize: 15

Cut-off on \({\Delta}S\) score

Optional (default=0). Cut-off on pairwise synteny similarity scores (float between 0 and 1).


cutoff: 0

Branch-lengths computation after correction

Optional (default=’y’). Whether branch-lengths should be recomputed after subtree corrections: yes (‘y’) or no (‘n’).


brlength: 'y'

Tool for branch-lengths computation after correction

Optional (default=’treebest phyml’). Whether branch-lengths should be recomputed with treebest or raxml after subtree corrections: ‘treebest phyml’ or ‘raxml’.


brlength_tool: 'raxml'

Lower-quality genome assemblies

Optional. A file listing species with a poorer assembly quality that should be discarded for synteny analysis. You should still provide their genes coordinate files.


lowcov_sp: 'data/example/lowcov'


Comment out or remove the lowcov_sp entry if you want to use all species in the synteny analysis.

Poorly-supported WGD duplication nodes

Optional (default=’y’). Whether to ignore tree-synteny inconsistencies when an orthology graph community contains only a single gene: yes (‘y’) or no (‘n’). These are poorly-supported WGD duplication nodes.


ignoreSingleGeneCom: 'y'

Save individual correction tree files

Optional (default=’n’). Whether each individual corrected tree and its non-corrected counterpart should be saved, each in a .nhx files: yes (‘y’) or no (‘n’).


This facilitates direct inspection of corrections. Should be set to ‘y’ to use the tree correction vizualisation script.


save_tmp_trees: 'y'

Save additional intermediary outputs

Optional (default=’y’). Whether more detailed intermediary outputs should be saved: yes (‘y’) or no (‘n’). Setting save_subtrees_lktest to ‘y’ saves, in addition to default outputs:

  • constrained tree topologies

  • profileNJ and TreeBeST synteny-aware trees

  • Likelihood AU-tests outputs


Should be set to ‘y’ to run LORelEi (LORe Extension, see the LORelEi chapter). A description of all intermediary outputs can be found in the Outputs description chapter.


save_subtrees_lktest: 'y'

Spectral clustering

Optional (default=’n’). Use spectral clustering instead of Girvan-Newman for graph community detection. On large graphs, spectral clustering is computationally more efficient. Consider using it if your dataset contains many duplicated species.


sapectral: 'y'

Computational ressources


Required. Maximum number of threads. SCORPiOs will never, in any case, use more than this number, nor more than the number of threads specified via --cores. In other words, the number of threads will always be min(ncores, --cores).


ncores: 14

Parallelization scheme

Optional (default=’n’). Use a parallelization scheme specific to large jobs: yes (‘y’) or no (‘n’). If the number of duplicated species is large (~ >25), the default parallelization scheme is slow in snakemake. Setting parallel_scheme_large_job to ‘y’ will greatly reduce computation time.


parallel_scheme_large_job: 'n'

Parallel jobs for branch-length computation

Optional. Limit the number of cores for the branch length computation (after all corrections). Recomputing branch lengths can be RAM intensive for large trees (SCORPiOs can use TreeBeST PhyML or RAxML here). To use less RAM, you may want to reduce the number of parallel jobs.


limit_threads_for_branch_lengths: 10